How many cases did the group do? 65 Major cases and 25 "lumps n bump.
How did you sleep? I slept much better than I had anticipated. We were told to bring ear plugs because there would definitely be snoring from the men's side and the wall that separated the men's sleeping quarters from the women's didn't go all the way to the ceiling. The week before our team arrived, a construction team had completed that wall so the snoring wasn't so much of an issue. We also had a large floor fan running all night long which drowned out most of the outside noise (roosters, parrots, etc). I also had my little noise maker running through the night as well.
How was the food? You know, the food was really pretty good. There were 3 Honduras ladies who came in to cooked our meals. They were closely supervised by the lady who started the organization and she had taught them how to prepare the food and it be safe. There was only one meal that I really wasn't sure what I was eating and that was the last night we were there. They told me the name of the meat we were eating but I can't remember what it was called. It looked like meatloaf with a boiled egg in the middle. Very different. Other than that, we had baked chicken, pork chops, eggs, bacon, breakfast casserole, quesadilla's, and the list goes on and on. We had fruit with every meal and the fruit was very good as well. They did make some type of bread pudding a few nights for dessert ---- it was YUMMY!!!!!
Was the rooster there? Yes, the rooster was there along with guineas, parrots, bunny rabbits, turkeys, something that looked like a squirrel, and a honey bear and allot of other "pet" animals they had. I kept a count of the turkeys through the week because I was afraid we would have turkey for supper one night :) Which we didn't in case you're wondering. I did hear the rooster and some other animal "screaming" during the night which was very creepy but it didn't keep me awake much. Like I said earlier - we were so tired it wasn't hard to sleep :)
Will you go back? Yes! It is my goal now to go each February. There are two surgical teams that go from Greenville every year. One in February, and one in August. I would love to be able to go on both trips but it is unlikely I will be able to afford it or be able to take that much time off from work.
What are the people like? Everyone I met was so kind. The patients were precious - so appreciative of everything you would do for them. The interpreters we had were awesome. Dr Stoudemyer and his family were precious - they took really good care of us.
How many cases did you do? We did 65 OR cases and 25 "lumps n bumps".
Friday, March 5, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Sometime during the night Sunday or early Monday morning, this sweet little guy was brought in because he had been kicked in the stomach by a horse. They woke Dr Dersch and Dr Rinkliff to evaluate him. They felt he had a surgical problem so they did an exploratory laparotomy. What they found was a bit more than they expected. He had perforated his colon and a rather large worm had squirmed its way out of his colon into his abdomen. He was one sick little fella.
After a couple of days in the hospital the nurse mentioned to Wilmer and his mom that he could take a shower. He was adamantly opposed to the idea - the child had never taken a shower before and was scared to death. He was so afraid it would hurt. His mother talked with him through out the day and convinced him to take a shower with the help of the nurse. Pam said that after he got in the shower, she washed his hair and turned him around to face the water and that he just stood there with his little face toward the water and just let it run over him. He was amazed at the shower and enjoyed it after all. Her telling the story was so heart breaking. I have always known that we Americans take so much for granted but never knew the extent of what we take for granted. Can you imagine NEVER having taken a shower???????

After a couple of days in the hospital the nurse mentioned to Wilmer and his mom that he could take a shower. He was adamantly opposed to the idea - the child had never taken a shower before and was scared to death. He was so afraid it would hurt. His mother talked with him through out the day and convinced him to take a shower with the help of the nurse. Pam said that after he got in the shower, she washed his hair and turned him around to face the water and that he just stood there with his little face toward the water and just let it run over him. He was amazed at the shower and enjoyed it after all. Her telling the story was so heart breaking. I have always known that we Americans take so much for granted but never knew the extent of what we take for granted. Can you imagine NEVER having taken a shower???????
Day 7 - Friday - Feb 26
We were able to sleep a little bit later today since it was our free day. I woke up again with my eyes swollen from sleeping so hard. Many had swollen feet as well from being on them so much during the week. We ate breakfast and then left for the Valley of Angels around 9 a.m. It was about 1 1/2 hours ride on bumpy, dirt roads. Again, we passed many animals on the road. The picture below is a herd of cows we passed.
All of the shops had pretty much the same things in each one. The only thing I purchased was two hand made leather purses and a wallet. The leather shop was very different from the others and the purses they made were gorgeous. Below is a picture of the men sewing wallets, purses, belts, etc 
Shops at Valley of Angels

We were also given the opportunity to purchase hand made pine needle baskets. They were very unique and I bought one of those at the compound. They charge $1 for each hour it takes them to make the basket. Pretty cool!

I'm not sure if these were cows, ox or what but I felt sorry for them. They passed us in the Valley of Angels.

After shopping, we ate lunch at a restaurant that they deemed "safe" to eat at. We were given the choice of steak, chicken, or fish. I chose steak and it was YUMMY!!!! Once we were finished with lunch we headed back to the compound. Most fell asleep on the ride back because we were all totally exhausted from the week so it was a quiet ride back.
Shops at Valley of Angels
We were also given the opportunity to purchase hand made pine needle baskets. They were very unique and I bought one of those at the compound. They charge $1 for each hour it takes them to make the basket. Pretty cool!
I'm not sure if these were cows, ox or what but I felt sorry for them. They passed us in the Valley of Angels.
After shopping, we ate lunch at a restaurant that they deemed "safe" to eat at. We were given the choice of steak, chicken, or fish. I chose steak and it was YUMMY!!!! Once we were finished with lunch we headed back to the compound. Most fell asleep on the ride back because we were all totally exhausted from the week so it was a quiet ride back.
Allot of us took a nap once we got back. The hiking group didn't get back for hours and allot of them came limping in with blisters and sunburned necks and faces. Next year I think I'll go hiking. They saw some incredible waterfalls.
The rest of the evening was free time that was spent walking around the compound taking pictures and packing up to leave the next day.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Day 6 - Thursday - Feb 25
Well, I slept so hard Wednesday night that when I woke up my eyes were swollen!!! I seriously look like I had been crying all night! I put a wet, cold clothe on them and that helped them go down but I sure did look pitiful!!!!!
Today was a good day and we actually finished around 6 p.m. I was happy about that because I was totally exhausted!
We cleaned up the hallways of supplies which was a chaotic mess but glad we got that done and over with. We were all so tired.
Dear friend Beth thought it would be a marvelous idea to play a cute little prank on dear old Donna. I go take my shower, come out to my bed, go to put something in my suitcase and what is laying right there on top for me - yes - a gecko!!!!! She had managed to get one of the men to catch one, put it in a Ziploc bag and place it in MY SUITCASE!!!!! Everyone was in on it apparently because the men were outside the women's room door listening for me to scream. I did manage to contain my excitement by only yelling - BETH!!!!!!!!!!!! COME GET IT NOW!!!!!! NOW BETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET IT OUT OF MY SUITCASE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They loved it and have ragged me all week about my fondness to the gecko's.
Today was a good day and we actually finished around 6 p.m. I was happy about that because I was totally exhausted!
We cleaned up the hallways of supplies which was a chaotic mess but glad we got that done and over with. We were all so tired.
Dear friend Beth thought it would be a marvelous idea to play a cute little prank on dear old Donna. I go take my shower, come out to my bed, go to put something in my suitcase and what is laying right there on top for me - yes - a gecko!!!!! She had managed to get one of the men to catch one, put it in a Ziploc bag and place it in MY SUITCASE!!!!! Everyone was in on it apparently because the men were outside the women's room door listening for me to scream. I did manage to contain my excitement by only yelling - BETH!!!!!!!!!!!! COME GET IT NOW!!!!!! NOW BETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET IT OUT OF MY SUITCASE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They loved it and have ragged me all week about my fondness to the gecko's.
Day 5 - Wednesday - Feb 24
The power went off and on all day. They do have a generator that would kick on but there was a few seconds delay. Nothing like being in a pitch black room in a strange place. Also had issues with the water today but they are working on fixing that.
We finished around 9 p.m. tonight. Dr Rinkliff was taking anyone who wanted to go out for ice cream. I chose to stay because my feet were hurting so bad. I just wanted to shower, get things ready for the next days cases and go to bed.
I go to get in bed and noticed the curtains were open and the light coming in was really bothering me. I went over to close the curtains and what do I see staring back at me - yep you guessed it - a gecko!!!!!!!!
We finished around 9 p.m. tonight. Dr Rinkliff was taking anyone who wanted to go out for ice cream. I chose to stay because my feet were hurting so bad. I just wanted to shower, get things ready for the next days cases and go to bed.
I go to get in bed and noticed the curtains were open and the light coming in was really bothering me. I went over to close the curtains and what do I see staring back at me - yep you guessed it - a gecko!!!!!!!!
Day 4 - Tuesday - Feb 23
Today was even crazier. Did the largest hydrocele I have ever seen, hernia repairs, and more ortho. The last case of the day got a bit crazy but went well. We finished around 7:30 p.m.
Totally exhausted I go to take my shower for the night and was then going back to get everything ready for the next days cases. I get in the shower, Beth is in the shower stall next to mine and all of a sudden, the water starts going crazy. It was like taking a shower under a machine gun. I couldn't help but just stand there and laugh hysterically. Beth thought I was messing with the water and doing it on purpose. It was very funny! After being beat to death by the water, I went back over to finish getting things ready for Wednesday. I must have been delirious because John Lee (surgery resident from California) was there trying to help us and he finally looked at me and told me I needed to go to bed that I was out of my mind. I heeded his advise and left them to finish.
They have a little "canteen" type place on the compound that you can buy sodas and ice cream at. I walked over there to get a soda, of course they only speak spanish so I had no idea how much to pay her. I handed her a dollar and she started to give me change. I said "no" and told her to keep it. She said gracias gracias - I can't imagine how much change she was going to give me back. We pay way over a dollar here for a soda. She was very happy with my dollar.
We noticed we are starting to run low on supplies today.
On a very sad note - a lady was to have a open hysterectomy. After opening her up, they discovered she had cancer and couldn't do anything for her. So sad. I felt so sorry for her family and the docs as they had to deliver the news to them. I wonder what could have been offered to her if she were here in the states.
Totally exhausted I go to take my shower for the night and was then going back to get everything ready for the next days cases. I get in the shower, Beth is in the shower stall next to mine and all of a sudden, the water starts going crazy. It was like taking a shower under a machine gun. I couldn't help but just stand there and laugh hysterically. Beth thought I was messing with the water and doing it on purpose. It was very funny! After being beat to death by the water, I went back over to finish getting things ready for Wednesday. I must have been delirious because John Lee (surgery resident from California) was there trying to help us and he finally looked at me and told me I needed to go to bed that I was out of my mind. I heeded his advise and left them to finish.
They have a little "canteen" type place on the compound that you can buy sodas and ice cream at. I walked over there to get a soda, of course they only speak spanish so I had no idea how much to pay her. I handed her a dollar and she started to give me change. I said "no" and told her to keep it. She said gracias gracias - I can't imagine how much change she was going to give me back. We pay way over a dollar here for a soda. She was very happy with my dollar.
We noticed we are starting to run low on supplies today.
On a very sad note - a lady was to have a open hysterectomy. After opening her up, they discovered she had cancer and couldn't do anything for her. So sad. I felt so sorry for her family and the docs as they had to deliver the news to them. I wonder what could have been offered to her if she were here in the states.
Day 3 - Monday - Feb 22
Ok, today was a very long day and a very crazy day. I believe we quit around 10 p.m. My feet hurt so bad I could cry. We did gallbladders and orthopedic cases. I'm sure some of you know how delighted I am to do ortho cases. I did survive and the doc's survived being stuck with me :)
One of the Stoudemyer boys caught a tarantula and was having allot of fun showing it to everyone. Ugly looking creature :)
By the way - have I mentioned there are gecko's all over the place here!!!!! You'll be eating supper and see one out of the corner of your eye run up the wall or be laying in bed and see one run up the wall. Everyone says "oh, they are harmless, they eat bugs". I'm happy for them but I'd rather not sleep and eat with them.
One of the Stoudemyer boys caught a tarantula and was having allot of fun showing it to everyone. Ugly looking creature :)
By the way - have I mentioned there are gecko's all over the place here!!!!! You'll be eating supper and see one out of the corner of your eye run up the wall or be laying in bed and see one run up the wall. Everyone says "oh, they are harmless, they eat bugs". I'm happy for them but I'd rather not sleep and eat with them.
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