Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Sometime during the night Sunday or early Monday morning, this sweet little guy was brought in because he had been kicked in the stomach by a horse. They woke Dr Dersch and Dr Rinkliff to evaluate him. They felt he had a surgical problem so they did an exploratory laparotomy. What they found was a bit more than they expected. He had perforated his colon and a rather large worm had squirmed its way out of his colon into his abdomen. He was one sick little fella.

After a couple of days in the hospital the nurse mentioned to Wilmer and his mom that he could take a shower. He was adamantly opposed to the idea - the child had never taken a shower before and was scared to death. He was so afraid it would hurt. His mother talked with him through out the day and convinced him to take a shower with the help of the nurse. Pam said that after he got in the shower, she washed his hair and turned him around to face the water and that he just stood there with his little face toward the water and just let it run over him. He was amazed at the shower and enjoyed it after all. Her telling the story was so heart breaking. I have always known that we Americans take so much for granted but never knew the extent of what we take for granted. Can you imagine NEVER having taken a shower???????

Pam (recovery room nurse) also sent money with one of the missionaries to buy Wilmer a pair of shoes. He wore them the entire time he was in the hospital. He was so proud of those shoes.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Sends chills up my back! Bless his little heart! I wish some of our teenagers could see how good they have it! I am just saying!

    Mindy :)

