Friday, March 5, 2010

Some Questions I've Been Asked.........

How many cases did the group do? 65 Major cases and 25 "lumps n bump.

How did you sleep? I slept much better than I had anticipated. We were told to bring ear plugs because there would definitely be snoring from the men's side and the wall that separated the men's sleeping quarters from the women's didn't go all the way to the ceiling. The week before our team arrived, a construction team had completed that wall so the snoring wasn't so much of an issue. We also had a large floor fan running all night long which drowned out most of the outside noise (roosters, parrots, etc). I also had my little noise maker running through the night as well.

How was the food? You know, the food was really pretty good. There were 3 Honduras ladies who came in to cooked our meals. They were closely supervised by the lady who started the organization and she had taught them how to prepare the food and it be safe. There was only one meal that I really wasn't sure what I was eating and that was the last night we were there. They told me the name of the meat we were eating but I can't remember what it was called. It looked like meatloaf with a boiled egg in the middle. Very different. Other than that, we had baked chicken, pork chops, eggs, bacon, breakfast casserole, quesadilla's, and the list goes on and on. We had fruit with every meal and the fruit was very good as well. They did make some type of bread pudding a few nights for dessert ---- it was YUMMY!!!!!

Was the rooster there? Yes, the rooster was there along with guineas, parrots, bunny rabbits, turkeys, something that looked like a squirrel, and a honey bear and allot of other "pet" animals they had. I kept a count of the turkeys through the week because I was afraid we would have turkey for supper one night :) Which we didn't in case you're wondering. I did hear the rooster and some other animal "screaming" during the night which was very creepy but it didn't keep me awake much. Like I said earlier - we were so tired it wasn't hard to sleep :)

Will you go back? Yes! It is my goal now to go each February. There are two surgical teams that go from Greenville every year. One in February, and one in August. I would love to be able to go on both trips but it is unlikely I will be able to afford it or be able to take that much time off from work.

What are the people like? Everyone I met was so kind. The patients were precious - so appreciative of everything you would do for them. The interpreters we had were awesome. Dr Stoudemyer and his family were precious - they took really good care of us.

How many cases did you do? We did 65 OR cases and 25 "lumps n bumps".

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