Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 7 - Friday - Feb 26

We were able to sleep a little bit later today since it was our free day. I woke up again with my eyes swollen from sleeping so hard. Many had swollen feet as well from being on them so much during the week. We ate breakfast and then left for the Valley of Angels around 9 a.m. It was about 1 1/2 hours ride on bumpy, dirt roads. Again, we passed many animals on the road. The picture below is a herd of cows we passed. All of the shops had pretty much the same things in each one. The only thing I purchased was two hand made leather purses and a wallet. The leather shop was very different from the others and the purses they made were gorgeous. Below is a picture of the men sewing wallets, purses, belts, etc

Shops at Valley of Angels

We were also given the opportunity to purchase hand made pine needle baskets. They were very unique and I bought one of those at the compound. They charge $1 for each hour it takes them to make the basket. Pretty cool!

I'm not sure if these were cows, ox or what but I felt sorry for them. They passed us in the Valley of Angels.

After shopping, we ate lunch at a restaurant that they deemed "safe" to eat at. We were given the choice of steak, chicken, or fish. I chose steak and it was YUMMY!!!! Once we were finished with lunch we headed back to the compound. Most fell asleep on the ride back because we were all totally exhausted from the week so it was a quiet ride back.
Allot of us took a nap once we got back. The hiking group didn't get back for hours and allot of them came limping in with blisters and sunburned necks and faces. Next year I think I'll go hiking. They saw some incredible waterfalls.
The rest of the evening was free time that was spent walking around the compound taking pictures and packing up to leave the next day.


  1. Love it, Donna! Just read through it all and honestly, I hope to be able to do that someday. I am seriously thinking about going back to school in the next few years.
    I am very proud of you and all you have done!

  2. Thanks Windy! This was the most incredible trip. It was the hardest work and longest days I've ever worked but by far, the most rewarding.

